1.1 Summary of following:-
A) Instrument documents index.
B) Instrument drawings index.
C) Instrument list / specification data. / Specification date for FF Inst.
D) Instrument requisitions.
E) Summary of instrument cables.
1.2 System control diagram.
1.3 Instrument Loop Diagrams
1.4 Instrument signal lines.
1.5 Instrument and Electrical interface details.
1.6 Instrument Earthing Schematic
1.7 UPS.
1.8 Public address system / Telephone system.
1.9 Power distribution for Instrument system.
1.10 Prepare block inter lock diagrams based on interlock sequence philosophy provided in Basic Engineering Package.
1.11 Instrument list grouping associated sensing, transmitting and control elements.
1.12 Estimate requirements of following for instruments :
A) Power .
C) Compressed air.
D) Air conditioning.
E) Other utilities.
1.13 Segment Designing
1.14 Prepare hook-up drawing, Logic flow diagrams/loop diagram
1.15 Calculation and sizing of Control Valves, Relief Valves and Flow
1.16 Prepare Detailed Layout drawings of:-
A) Instrument air supply piping.
B) Instrument air manifolds.
C) Instrument tubing.
D) Equipment and Cabling in Control Room/Rack Room.
E) Field Instruments
F) Instrument location plan and general arrangement drawings.
G) Location of instruments
H) Hazardous area classification diagram of plans and sections. 99
I) Earthing protection / grounding
J) Field panels / Junction Boxes.
K) Cable Routing. (To show instruments and terminal details)
L) Cable trays / ladder / trenches.
M) Electrical wiring interface.
N) Supports for instruments
O) Instrument mountings and connections drawings.
P) Typical installation details drawings.
Q) Cv calculation for flow and control valve
R) Final As-built drawings
1.17 Detailed technical Specifications / data sheets / drawings / documents and installation for:-
A) Instruments.
B) Instrument panels.
C) Ancillaries / misc . items.
D) Air manifold schedule
E) Instrument cable (power / control / earthing ) schedules .
F) Earthing protection / grounding schedule.
G) Prepare instrument schedule
H) Instrument and Electrical interface details.
I) Instrument wiring diagrams
J) Installation of instruments
K) Instrument installation procedures
L) Instrument calibration procedures
M) Instrument Pre-commissioning procedures
N) Power distribution for Instrument system.
O) Design of panels, panel wiring and tubing diagrams
P) Termination Details of cabinets, panels and junction boxes/cables
Q) Alarm and Trip Setting / calibration List
S) Instrument Earthing Schematic
T) Instrument Hook-up drawings
U) Typical installation details drawing.
V) Interface systems drawings.
W) Cable trays / ladder / trenches details.
X) Supports for instruments
Y) Instruments items mountings and connections drawings.
1.18 Instrument Material detailed / Final quantity
A) Cables.
B) Tubing.
C) Fittings.
D) Junction boxes
E) Cable glands.
F) Grounding protection & fittings etc.
G) Push buttons & socket outlets etc.
H) Instruments
1.19 Expediting & review and approval of Vendors drawings / data where necessary
1.20 Submit final vendor's drawings and certificates.
Test record procedures.
Operation & maintenance manual; Spare parts list.
1.21 Prepare details for installation of instrument items by Contractors.
1.22 Prepare As built drawing.